$399.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Synergy + Accountability Group (payment plan)

This step-by-step course takes the mystery out of rewiring your subconscious beliefs so you can expand into the person you want to be. 

Major shifts include:

+ Leaving behind the need to be a people pleaser
+ Trusting yourself to make the right decisions for you
+ Taking empowered and MASSIVE action
+ Leaving what isn’t right for you
+ Feeling less stressed and anxious about every move you make

Accountability call dates are listed below and hosted on Zoom:

+ Wednesday, September 14th @1pm PST
+ Wednesday, October 12th @1pm PST
+ Wednesday, November 9th @1pm PST
+ Wednesday, December 14th @1pm PST

Group Energy Healing Dates:
+ Wednesday, September 28th @1pm PST
+ Wednesday, November 30th @1pm PST