$266.00 USD

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

You can read the full terms + conditions here.

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Align - Payment Plan

Team up with me for 3 hours and explore exactly what’s holding you back from creating an abundant, easeful business. A lot can happen when we focus directly on you.

What we can cover:

 + Launch planning and strategy for maximum impact and $$
+ Discussing any pivots you're wanting to make inside your business
+ Tackling limiting money mindset
+ Auditing your business and personal life to set up and create systems that help you step into the CEO role
+ Hiring, delegating and stepping into leadership energy

And SO much more. This is YOUR session. After booking, you'll be sent a booking link where you will be asked to give Chelsea additional context/background information for the focus of the session.

Each deep-dive session comes with 5 days of Voxer support ($300 value).

Find the paid in full option HERE.

Please note that from the date of purchase you'll have 3 months to schedule this session.