Tell me this: wouldn’t it be f*cking magical if your business just felt easier?

You started your business to create a life of freedom and find more time for the things you love, but instead, you’re working 24/7 with even less time than you had before.

And you’re still not making the money you want to make. 

Maybe it feels like a life of flexible schedules and weekdays off is just out of reach. You know you have the potential to get there but it's still not your reality — and it’s driving you crazy.

It’s time to take back ownership of your time, energy and freedom with direct 1:1 mentorship.

You built your business from the ground up. And it’s pretty successful! 

But where the f*ck is all your time going?! Does it feel like dealing with client after client takes up so much of your time that there’s never any left over to actually work on your own business?

Business gets to be easier.

You get to take Wednesday afternoons off and disappear into the woods — no wifi connection needed. Get coffee with a friend or head to the beach on a Thursday morning because you can, you have the freedom and flexibility to do whatever you want

You get to call in dream clients through marketing and sales that actually feel good. 

No more cookie cutter Instagram strategy...

That straight up makes you
cringe but you don’t know how else to do it so you force yourself to show up constantly in a way that feels like sh*t on your nervous system. 

You get to find clarity for your business goals — and then make them happen. It just takes slowing down long enough to figure out what the next steps need to be.

Right now, your schedule is packed so tightly that you barely have room to breathe

But it doesn’t have to be that way. 

Business doesn’t have to be as complicated as you’re making it right now.

But in order for things to change... things need to change. You need a CATALYST.

Catalyst - because in order for things to change… things have to change.

Catalyst is an intimate 1:1 mentorship container where you and I collaborate for 4 months. During our time together we will:
  •  Improve your relationship to receiving (money + getting into your feminine energy)
  •  Unlock the way YOU are built to work and manifest (using tools like human design, the enneagram and astrology)
  •  Introduce more JOY into the work that you are doing while releasing or delegating tasks, work and clients that drain you
  •  Create more free TIME and space in your schedule (I know you didn’t start your biz to work 24/7…)
  •  Start implementing systems that allow you to become the CEO in your business while stepping out of the role of employee (hi automations and leadership energy!)
  •  And SO much more

Your next level of expansion is calling...

Apply for Catalyst ✨

Have you finally gotten to the point in your business where you’re so fed up with the DIY approach that you’re ready to try just about anything?

Anything to suppress the need to check emails 50 times a day, even on vacation.

Anything to bring back the spark and drive you had when you started your business.

Is it worth continuing to fall down the rabbit hole of call after call all week long when you could learn how to work fewer hours a week while making more money? 

Spoiler alert: it's possible to be successful in your business while still having a life you love. 

In fact, a life (and business) motto of mine is the more you play, the more you make.

I get it...

When you started your business, you thought it’d be all alpenglow-filled sunsets in the mountains after work and impromptu road trips. 

But instead, you’re stuck inside hunched over your desk for 10 hours a day — the only sunset you’re seeing is the light fading over your computer. Draining your energy on client after client with none left over for what you actually want to be doing.

It feels like you’re treading water, getting nowhere and going under slowly.

That stagnant feeling is what comes right before immense change... right before the catalyst.

Take Me to the App ✨

Hey! I'm Chelsea...

I’m a multi-six figure business owner who works with business owners to radically change their perspectives, their businesses and their lives.

I haven’t always been a business owner. In fact, for years, I was bouncing from job to job, unable to find one that felt even remotely fulfilling. I was exhausted working minimum wage jobs and living paycheck to paycheck. Talk about STRESSFUL.

Investing in myself changed my life. I had barely $200 in my bank account back then but my intuition said "MAKE A CHANGE, go all in..."

Diving into brain rewiring, hiring mentors and coaches and discovering energy healing shifted my perspective from a fixed, scarcity mindset to making monumental shifts in my life.

Most recently, this has looked like workin 20 hours/week in my business while maintaining an average of $10k cash months and beyond. 

I'm here to help you make more money & work less so you can create a life that feels like you.

How well do you know yourself?

The deeper you’re willing to go, the more successful you can be in your business. 

Owning a business is *the* biggest personal development course of your life. 

And working with me will be all about energetics. Sure, we can get into strategy, but if you’re looking for “here’s what kind of content you should post and when”, I’m not your girl. 

Are you psyched to dive into your Enneagram, Human Design or astrology? You’re my sorta person. 

When you work with me, you’re telling the universe that you’re ready and willing to dive into your deeper consciousness and manifest the f*ck out of the life you’re meant to be living. 

Get ready for discomfort. Change is never easy, but it’s always worth it.

Catalyst Includes:

  • 4 months of 1:1 support
  • 8x bi-weekly 60 minute calls
  • Unlimited Voxer access M-TH (text and voice message support)
  • 2x 1:1 Ahai energy healing sessions
  • 1x Astrology or human design reading (your choice!)
Fill Out the Application ✨

Here's what you'll get:

  • Accountability and support for massive action in your business
  • Someone to question your limiting beliefs and find the cracks in the stories you’ve told yourself for years
  • Individualized attention — groups are great, but having someone listening to your specific problems and brainstorming solutions just for you will take you to another level
  •  Someone who cannot wait to see you win, time and time again. Someone that no matter what... is on your team and believes in you

Here's what you won't get...

  • Hand holding — if you’re not ready to take action and challenge your beliefs, this isn’t for you
  • Permission to play small or hide
  • Agreement with everything you say — I’m not afraid to challenge you
Apply for Mentorship

It might feel like it will take forever for your business to get where you want it...

Where you can take off work on a weekday with no repercussions.

Where you’re working only with dream clients who respect your time, boundaries + ideas.

Where you’re no longer stressed about taking every possible client just to pay the bills.

It’s going to take work to get there. But it doesn’t have to be as hard as you’re making it. And it certainly doesn't need to take as long as you think it will.

What Catalyst 1:1 Mentorship Includes:

  • 8x bi-weekly 60 minute calls (every other week for 4 months)
  • 2x Ahai energy healing sessions (every other month)
  • M-Th Voxer support (text and voice)
  • Choice of human design or astrology reading
  • Access to Chelsea’s intuitive gifts through the four month container

The investment: $6997*

*a 10-month payment plan is available at no extra charge. Those who choose to pay in full will receive a 5% discount. If you need a more extended plan, apply and we will talk options!

Okay, I'm IN ✨
I'm Ready for Catalyst đź’«

What Past Clients are Saying