You're not alone. And maybe you know this already but what got you here, isn't going to get you there. The next level will require and challenge you to get out of your comfort zone in new ways.


I know how hard all the backend things are inside your business - bookkeeping, making sure you have everything in place for taxes, creating content, making sales pages, writing GOOD copy, making sure you have lead magnets and funnels in place... all on *top* of running your business.

You get busy and all the backend things keep getting pushed to the bottom of the list - which means that you are leaving money on the table constantly. Chaos in the backend creates confusion in the frontend.

And people don't buy when there's confusion.


You're Speaking to My Soul 👀

But so much can change in just a few months...

If you are intentional about it. I want you to imagine having accountability and support to build out systems and the backend of your business so that you have things like a kickass freebie that acts as a lead magnet that then leads into a funnel that can sell your offer on autopilot.

Sometimes taking a step forward requires taking a few steps back first to make sure you have a solid foundation in place.

Bring Me to the Application ✨

I know how much brain space the backend of your business is taking up...

Think about it… if you *know* you don’t have a good bookkeeping system figured out then it makes it that much harder to want to MAKE money because… where is it all going?! How is it being organized?! 

I know how overwhelming it can all feel...

Like the feeling of trying to advertise too many different offers at once because ALL of them are available at all times instead of starting an open/close launch strategy. You end up feeling overwhelmed and... then talk about NONE of them. Leaving mega $$ on the table and you feeling disappointed in yourself.

Take Me to the Application! ⚡️

NLM is for you if...

>> you know your finances/bookkeeping needs some help *big time* so that you can HOLD even more $$ going forward

>> you feel scattered and like sitting down to create content takes some serious effort (and often feels akin to pulling teeth)

>> want to create a kickass freebie (and funnel!) that leads directly to your offers so they can sell on autopilot

>> finally tackle your website, including dramatically updating your copy so that it actually reflects who you are and what you do

>> you are ready to learn how to create sales pages FAST - you know that having a central location that your audience can go for information is KEY

>> you want to feel EXPANDED by the people around you, as much as you love your partner/family/friends they are 0 out of 10 helpful when it comes to advice for running a business

>> you are READY for the next level in your business - more $$, more aligned/dedicated clients, more *free time* and more organization

What past clients are saying about working with Chelsea:


"Group programs, selling, and visibility used to give me anxiety. I had an avoidant relationship with my business. Chelsea is a massive expander in business (and other things of course). Now I am wayyyy more excited to show up. My confidence as a coach and business owner right now is at a new high. I used to feel paralyzed by fear in showing up and my business got very stagnant. I now know that my short cut to magnetism is messy action and I am happy to take it."


"[Chelsea] encourages that you do what feels right and she doesn't force a "correct" on anything. Her coaching style is full of love and quick-witted, she listens fully and can transform an idea you have into a step-by-step plan almost instantly. "


"I have so much more confidence in myself, I've created more productized services and am working on launching them. I feel more grounded in my purpose and know more about who my ideal client is. Also, I was literally incapable of using social media for advertising and in the past 6 months of working with Chelsea, I've totally gotten past that block of worrying about what people think. I'm still working through it, but I've let go of SO MUCH of that block."

Running a business is one of the *most* rewarding things you can do. It is also one of the hardest things you can do and that doesn't get enough credit.

When you think about where you want to be and the impact you want to have 5 (even 10!) years from now it all starts with a solid foundation. Your backend *must* be solid to support more clients, hold more $$ and more success.

I'm Ready to Make 2023 is MY Year!

What if you just went all in?

Right now, you're making decent money, but you know you could be making so much more. It's like your potential is right there - you can FEEL it but it's not playing out in your reality... yet. NLM provides guidance, accountability and support to help you get to the next level.

Because often, we are so busy *running* our businesses that all the backend stuff gets pushed to the end of the list. Not any longer. You know you need a solid foundation to get to the next level and that what got you here won't get you there.

I'm Ready for the Next Level 💫

The Nitty Gritty Details: 

Take Me to the App!
  • 5 months in length (Jan 18th - May 24th)
    • with a bonus call January 11th for those that join before this date
  • 3x calls/month (2x coaching calls and 1x energy healing)
  • 24/7 group Voxer access between calls
  • Limited to 6 participants (4 spots remain)
  • $5,555*
*payment plan options available 
I'm Ready to Join NLM! 🔥