Nothing will help you reach six-figures faster than launching


You know when you see business owners hit 6-figures and beyond and wonder how TF they're doing it?!

I'll let you in on the biggest industry secret - they're using launching as a strategy to generate consistent income in a big way. 

Creating hype around their offers, opening doors for a select period of time and closing it all out with a bang.

Rinse. Wash. Repeat 🤩


Nothing will help you reach six-figures faster than launching


I know you're wondering how TF other business owners hit 6-figures and beyond. What are they doing that you aren't?

I'll let you in on the biggest industry secret - they're using launching as a strategy to generate consistent income in a big way. 

Creating hype around their offers, opening doors for a select period of time and closing it all out with a bang.

Rinse. Wash. Repeat 🤩



If you're looking for *the* strategy to create a six-figure business, you're in the right place 👀


Here's where most biz owners go wrong when it comes to hitting the six-figure mark...

They put their offers out there without a launch strategy in place. Hoping that because the offer is "good," that will be enough for it to sell.

Truth bomb: your offer can't speak for itself 💣

We need YOU to do the talking and the marketing!

Lemme know if this sounds familiar 😅:

  • you put your offer out there and are SO excited at first - you poured your heart and soul into create it!
  • while you see some engagement or purchases early on, it quickly fizzles out
  • you then feel extremely discouraged and talk about your offer less and less because "nobody cares"
  • as a result, sales completely stop. You feel disheartened, crushed and hesitant to put anything else out there again in the future


And while over 65% of small businesses are profitable, according to the Kauffman Foundation, only 6% of all entrepreneurs ever achieve 6-figures in a year.


More money = more opportunities, more choices, more creative expression, more ability to hire out. Simply put more money = more freedom.

I'm here to help you change that stat and become part of the 6% club.

I've got you covered!

Welcome to Amplify.

A 4-week launch strategy course that teaches you the ins and outs to generate income on-demand.

Amplify gives you the entire launch strategy and formula that you need to reach six-figures and beyond.

Launching is like anything else - the more you do it, the better you’ll get at it. But it’s hard to get good at something when you've never been taught how to do it...

But once you do learn. OH BABY WATCH OUT. You can create income in your business at 👏 any 👏 time 👏

Imagine your offer as a radio signal, attempting to broadcast to the world. If you don’t hit the right frequency, all you get is static on the other end. If the volume is too quiet nobody can hear what’s being said.

Your offer needs a volume boost.

This program is designed to hand you the amplifier - to let your message be heard far and wide. Because the more people that hear about your offer... the better chances you have of SELLING your offer.

Launching demands practice. 

It's time to break the self-fulfilling prophecy and start showing up powerfully for yourself, your offer and your business.

Six-figures is awaiting on the other side.

Introducing your launch strategy solution...

📣 Amplify 📣

Because knowing how create consistent income and hitting six-figures shouldn't be a mystery.

By the end of this program, you'll be able to...

Plan a Launch Start to Finish

The launch process consists of four distinct phases - warmup, cart open, middle of the launch and cart close. Each varies in length, energy requirement and intensity. I'll walk you through how to execute a full launch start to finish from the very second you have an idea for an offer. Think: big picture focus with tons of attention to detail.

Craft Copy that Sells

Whether you're a seasoned pro or feel like your copywriting could use a sprinkle of magic fairy dust, I'm here to show you precisely how to position your offer as an absolute must-have. The way you articulate your offer directly influences its sales frequency and effectiveness. Let's ensure you're setting yourself up for mega success.

Speak Your Prospect's Language

Your offer is a nuanced gem with the power to impact countless lives. The challenge arises when it's time to market it, and you grapple with articulating its value without it sounding lackluster or overly ambiguous. I've got your back. I'll help you pinpoint the precise target audience your offer resonates with and teach you to sell directly to them. 

Make Money On-Demand

Unlock the power of mastering the launch process, and you unlock a pathway to consistent income. When you grasp the art of launching, the possibilities are boundless. With my laid-out launch strategy, you can transition from idea to paid in just four weeks. The sky's not the limit; it's your starting point. Put hitting six-figures on your vision board, starting now.

 I've Truly Seen it All When it Comes to Launching...

You’re either one of two people:

A.) you’ve never been taught how to launch or

B.) you know the old method of launching that leaves you dead tired and never wanting to launch again...

... buuuutt there's a third option waiting for you 😉⤵️

C.) become a launch QUEEN, learn the ins and outs of launching so you can expertly market your offer and generate multi five-figure launches on-demand 💁‍♀️👑


“Cannot recommend enough!”

Amplify gave me extra confidence for my future launches - I finally felt like I could avoid burnout and trust myself to launch in my own way. All while not being too time consuming or overwhelming. Cannot recommend Amplify enough to business owners looking for a smoother launch process..

–  JEN C. (Climbing Coach)

“Amplify is a staple course”

The steps and information Chelsea provides is powerful & informative and she shares so many easy, actionable steps to make your launch a success. I cannot wait to continue implementing everything I learned! Amplify is a staple course if you plan on launching anything in your business.

–  JESS E. (Mortgage Lender + Healer)

“The resources are brilliant!”

Launching feels exciting and doable! Really helped with reinforcing my understanding of how a launch works! It now feels like a party to share what you are excited to put out into the world. I love the length of the program. The resources (meditations, worksheets, templates) are brilliant!!

–  SANDY Y. (Brain Rewiring Coach + Healer)

So if you're ready to select Option C...

Amplify is Your Program.

Module One:

Launch Planning PARTY 🎉

Fail to plan and you plan to fail - this module is ALL about getting a comprehensive overview of the launch process. I'll be handing you the templates and calendar - your job is to fill in the dates for your next launch! Grab your markers, highlighters, and planner and let's make your launch roadmap a masterpiece 😎 

At the end of this module you'll know how to:

  • plan a launch start to finish that includes the four different launch phases
  • how long each of the launch phases needs to be
  • plug the dates into your calendar so that it works WITH your life
Module Two:

Master Launch Content 🤳🏻

Feeling lost on what to post, how frequently, or what to talk about during your launch? Don't worry; I've got you covered in this module! I'll personally guide you through crafting various types of launch content - providing a plethora of prompts to ensure you never feel stuck. Let's make launch content creation a breeze.

At the end of this module you'll know how to:

  • create content based on what phase of the launch process you're in
  • craft a sales page so compelling that people hit buy ASAP
  • determine how many times you need to talk about your offer daily and weekly to sell it out
Module Three:

Find the Minimum Effective Dose 💪

You have a unique energy flow and it’s time to tap into it. This isn't about me teaching you what works for me; it's about helping you discover your personal "minimum effective dose" so you can show up powerfully in your own way. It's impossible to keep up high energy levels all launch launch, in this module I'm teaching you what days you need to be ON and what days to chill out on.

At the end of this module you'll know how to:

  • prioritize your energy on the days that matter the most in the launch
  • recognize if you need to pull back
  • end the launch feeling proud AF of the effort you put in
Module Four:

Turn Interest Into Payment Notifications 🤑

The key to capturing attention isn't that people don't want what you're offering; it's that you haven't given them a compelling reason to BUY. Emotion drives purchases, and in this module, I'll guide you in answering your audience's burning question, "What's in it for me?" Get ready to keep that momentum soaring throughout your entire launch. Let's turn those clicks into conversions!

At the end of this module you'll know how to:

  • craft irresistible copy that drives sales
  • infuse emotion to captivate your audience
  • answer "what's in it for me?" for your audience and turn interest into cash-money
If we haven't yet met...


Hey there! I'm Chelsea,


Your fearless launch leader 😎

When I started my business over 4 years ago, I was determined to master the art of creating consistent cash flow. Enter my obsession with launching. Fast forward, and I've celebrated multiple $40k+ launches and selling out my offers nearly every time I open them.

But let's not forget the beginning – my initial launches were total flops. Yet, those setbacks fueled my determination to become EXCEPTIONAL at launching, leading me to achieve four years straight in the six-figure club.

Now? Picture this: in any given month, I can pull off a five-figure launch with minimal lead-up time. I've genuinely crafted the life and lifestyle I desire, and I'm thrilled to guide you on the journey to do the same.

Let’s break this down...

Everything You’ll Get Inside Amplify:

  • 4x Core Modules Filled with In-depth Video Trainings ($1000 value)
  • 7x Customizable Launch Calendar Templates  ($300 value)
  • Step-By-Step Sales Page Guide ($300 value)
  • 7x Customizable Launch Checklists ($100 value)
  • 3x Launch Meditations to use in each phase of the launch ($100 value)
  • Lifetime access to all training videos, materials, and resources
I shouldn't be telling you this...

Learning how to launch changed my life. It's the ONE skill that you need to know inside and out as a business owner because you'll have the ability to generate six-figures and beyond.

While I hate calling anything "the fix" or "the solution," I truly believe launching IS the answer when you're looking to grow or scale your business.

That's why I'm so passionate about getting this information into everyone's hands. Amplify is a culmination of close to 60+ launches so you don't have to go through the same mistakes I did.

Total value of this program is $1,800

Total Investment For Amplify Is Only $444


Amplify is for you if...

>> you want a launch formula and step-by-step plan to follow to knock your launch outta the park

>> you feel scattered and the launch process seems overwhelming and intimidating

>> you want more income so you can take a step back when you want/need to

>> you're really damn good at what you do but something just isn't clicking with your audience

>> you are so proud of what you offer and want it to reach as many people as possible

Amplify is not for you if...

you're never, ever going to launch a program, product or service

>> your sales page copy converts 100% of the time, every time

>> you are making the exact amount of money you want in your biz

>> you have zero ideas of something that you could launch

>> don't want to take the time or energy to learn the launch process

And Because I *Know* You Love a Practical Purchase as Much as I Do...

Here's what else you could do with that money:

 For $444, you could join a typical monthly "content membership" for a few months where information overload reigns, and support is scarce. Sure, you might collect a bunch of ideas, but without the crucial know-how on positioning and marketing your offer effectively, you're always going to leave money on the table.

Now, consider this: what if securing just ONE additional spot in your next launch could cover your entire investment in Amplify? This isn’t just a business expense, it’s a strategic move to amplify your return. We love an investment that continues to put cash in your pocket 👏

Get Started Now

Six-figures is calling your name:

Best Value


One Payment


Most Flexible


2 Monthly Payments

Pay only $222 today! Then just 1 more payment of $222.


Next steps!

How It All Works:

Step 1

Enroll In Amplify

Click the enroll now button and complete the checkout process. CELEBRATE this monumental step forward!! And in minutes, you'll get an email with the next steps and login credentials. 

Step 2

Get To Work

Amplify is a self-paced course is designed to be taken at your speed. Set aside ~30 minutes/day for a week and you'll make it through all of the material. You have lifetime access to the program and any future updates.

Step 3

Launch, Baby, LAUNCH!

Plan and execute your launch! I suggest planning about 1x big launch per quarter and then filling in the gaps with smaller sales, promotions and cash injections.

Need More Proof?

Read What Amplify Graduates Had to Say:

“I am actually EXCITED to launch my next program”

Amplify is an amazing resource that tackles launching from all angles. I feel more empowered to test out different strategies in my launches. I am also actually EXCITED to launch my next program and experiment with new strategies, where in the past the idea of launching was a mix of excitement, nervousness, and dread. Chelsea offers such a fresh take on business that is sorely needed in this industry. If you're ready to learn how to make launches work for you and unlearn hustle culture, you're going to LOVE Amplify.

–  LAUREN A. (Climbing Coach)

“It's so worth the money”

I definitely have a clearer view of what "a launch" actually is after Amplify. I'd absolutely say to do it, it's so worth the money because she makes launching fun again! I liked the portal, the extra material + that you made it look really good. Amplify was visually a blast, I loved it more because of the branding and the effort Chelsea put into things.

–  EVELINA P. (Astrologer)

“Amplify was clear + easy to understand”

Amplify was very clear and easy to understand. I am grateful to have access to the material so I can reference it again. I will be rewatching at least two of the modules while planning my launch. I liked the launch calendars and checklists as those will be very helpful for me moving forward into my first real "launch." After Amplify I feel more confident and prepared to launch! I'm excited about going into my upcoming launch and utilizing all the skills I learned through Amplify.

–  EMILY H. (Breathwork Coach)

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Get Started Now

Your six-figure business is waiting:

Best Value


One Payment


Most Flexible


2 Monthly Payments

Pay only $222 today! Then just 1 more payment of $222.