One-off sessions for support ASAP.

Whether you've got an upcoming launch, are wanting to create a brand new offer or need help prioritizing what comes first in your biz, I've got you covered with on-demand support. 

One-off sessions for support ASAP. 

Whether you've got an upcoming launch, are wanting to create a brand new offer or need help prioritizing what comes first in your biz, I've got you covered with on-demand support. 

>> choose your length <<

3 HOURS >>

90-Minute Intensive

Designed to move fast and cover ground.

A lot can happen in 90-minutes when YOU and your business are the sole focus. These sessions are perfect for launch planning, content strategy and figuring out what comes next. Think Instant Pot style, we will hit the ground running.

Major touchpoints can include:

+ Strategizing a successful upcoming launch (that works WITH your innate energy flow instead of draining you)
+ Working through visibility blocks like fear of being bullied on the internet, impostor syndrome and more
+ Going through different offers to decide which stay and which go - abundance isn't always MORE, sometimes it's release
+ Moving away from 1:1 offers to a group program format and/or incorporating self-paced offers
+ Creating a more sustainable business model that prioritizes freedom - you didn't start your business to feel like you're in a cage


*payment plan available

3-Hour Intensive

Push the reset button + let's analyze EVERYTHING

If 90-minutes is the Instant Pot, this offer is a slow cooker. Rich results and DEEP exploration. Think: no stone left unturned.

Major touchpoints can include:

 + In-depth launch planning from pre-warmup all the way through execution including content strategy and creation
+ Going through all of your backend systems to make sure they're maximally efficient and automated
+ Performing a full audit of the tasks inside your business to determine what to delegate, keep and release
+ Finding your REAL marketing voice without feeling fake or inauthentic that leads to more clients and more sales
+ Releasing old programs, clients or limiting beliefs that are no longer in alignment and keeping you stuck


*payment plan available