1:1 Business Growth Support

Whether you'd like support planning your next launch, help troubleshooting your sales or building out automated systems in the backend of your business - I've got you covered. 

90-minute 1:1 Intensive

You + Me for 90 minutes. This offer comes with 3 business days of voice + text support after our call together.


*2-month payment plan available


The Quantum Leap

6-weeks of 24/7 voice and text message support. Excellent for deep mindset support and for having while you launch.


*3-month payment plan available


Catalyst - 1:1 Mentorship

The highest level of support I offer. We work closely together each week to grow your business from the inside out. Spots are limited, check below for more info.


*flexible + long-term payment plan options available


Human Design + Energy Work

Feeling low energy? Moody? Low vibe? It's hard to show up as your best self when you've got other people's energy stuck in your field. Energy healing clears you of anything no longer serving you to make SPACE for new things to come in.

1:1 Human Design Reading

A *must-have* for business owners. Ever wondered how you best make decisions + find success? This personalized reading is for you!



AHAI 7D Energy Healing - 1 Session

A 1:1 session designed to help you release what's holding you back by shifting you into feminine energy.



AHAI 7D Energy Healing - 3 sessions

Energy work is most effective when done consistently. Three 1:1 sessions to use when you need them (save $60/session).


*3-month payment plan available


Business Growth Courses + Programs

For the highly-motivated individual that wishes to learn on their own time and at their own pace. I've got everything from how to start your business from ground zero, brain rewiring and how to launch. You'll find programs for any stage of your business here.

Amplify: 4-Week Launch Course

Launching is the #1 skillset business owners *must* develop. This course teaches you how to plan, execute and create an extremely successful launch.


*2-month payment plan available



If your brain isn't your biggest cheerleader it's going to feel like you're constantly swimming upstream. Brain rewiring helps you create NEW neural pathways that support success.


*3-month payment plan available



You've got the basics down, now you're ready to scale! This program walks you through *exactly* how to create, launch + run a group program to bring even more $$.


*6-month payment plan available


Questions about any of the offers? Let's talk!

Once you hit submit, I'll get back to you ASAP.

A note: 

If you feel called to step into any of the containers above but would like a longer payment plan than what is listed, simply send an email to [email protected]. Financial accessibility is incredibly important to Chelsea.